My Waxing Adventure

As far as beauty regimes go I often feel like I was a little late to the party. I didn’t care too much for make up or getting my nails done as a teenager. Sure, I indulged every now and then and let my big sister make me over whenever she was bored, but it’s only really been in recent years I’ve really started to take an interest in all things beauty.

Maybe it’s because I fell in love at 17 and that was that. I had somebody who loved me for who I was. I didn’t have to go on dates or go out on the pull. I didn’t have to make myself up to boost my confidence like all my single friends did. I didn’t have to shave every shower or keep everything trim just in case I got lucky at the weekend. I know, I know. This isn’t the only reason women like groom and look nice. But my friends were all I really had to go off.

It wasn’t until I got in to my 20’s that I really started to enjoy make up and it’s only been these last few years I’ve gone to get my nails done and had my eyebrows shaped regularly. I do it for me, because it makes me feel good about myself.


This Monday me and the Mrs are off on our honeymoon. I’m very excited. You wouldn’t believe how much we need the down time. So, to prepare for this joyous event we booked ourselves in to our local beauty lounge for manicures and waxing. Leg waxing and bikini waxing that is!

I was a little nervous. I’d heard some hideous stories from friends about the pains of body waxing and the idea of someone coming near my intimate areas with hot wax did not fill me with joy. I’m a bit of a wuss when it comes to pain (despite having several piercings and a lot of tattoos) and I was terrified I’d have to tell her to stop and waddle out of there looking like a half shaven cat after an operation.

Luckily, I had a wonderful beauty therapist who was very understanding and explained everything to me and actually, surprisingly, I didn’t find it painful. The bikini line, anyway. The leg waxing was more painful, sharper pinches that made me wince, but all in all it wasn’t even that bad! The warm wax actually felt quite nice on my legs.

There were a few rashes but apparently that’s normal, and the fluff from my leggings stuck to my legs, which is also normal. But I do feel lovely and smooth and I’m very pleased to know I can handle waxing now.

It’s nice to know I’m not going to have to touch a razor for 2-3 weeks, especially whilst away, and I feel excited and confident to rock all the fatkinis I bought! I might even post a couple pictures when I get back.

Oh, here are my nails…


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