My Waxing Adventure

As far as beauty regimes go I often feel like I was a little late to the party. I didn’t care too much for make up or getting my nails done as a teenager. Sure, I indulged every now and then and let my big sister make me over whenever she was bored, but it’s only really been in recent years I’ve really started to take an interest in all things beauty.

Maybe it’s because I fell in love at 17 and that was that. I had somebody who loved me for who I was. I didn’t have to go on dates or go out on the pull. I didn’t have to make myself up to boost my confidence like all my single friends did. I didn’t have to shave every shower or keep everything trim just in case I got lucky at the weekend. I know, I know. This isn’t the only reason women like groom and look nice. But my friends were all I really had to go off.

It wasn’t until I got in to my 20’s that I really started to enjoy make up and it’s only been these last few years I’ve gone to get my nails done and had my eyebrows shaped regularly. I do it for me, because it makes me feel good about myself.


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Every Day Is Halloween

A terrible thing happens on November 1st. The autumn colours, pumpkins and creepy decorations that have brightened crispy cold mornings for four weeks previously all magically disappear and are replaced by garish, over tinseled high street windows and that unmistakable internal panic on how many shopping days are left before the big C. Christmas.

Suddenly it becomes socially unacceptable to flitter around in batwings and skeleton print, and those of us who enjoy such things all year round are back to being eyed oddly by the rest of society in their dress up antlers and elf slippers.

Dedicated to us weirdos, here are my favourite bits of Halloween jewellery that I rock all year!

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Inside My Emergency Make Up Bag!

Since having jobs that involve meetings I’ve become accustomed to having to look presentable and some what professional on a regular basis. This is something my teenage self would be ridiculously shocked at as I spent the majority of my adolescent years lurking in the darkest corners of HMV in ripped jeans and band t-shirts and way too much eyeliner.

Now as I attempt to build myself a career that will keep me switched on and away from a mid-life crisis for as long as possible, I’ve come to terms with the fact that goth/punk/emo/grunge/metal Hev needs to pay the rent and be a business bad ass – whilst still holding on to elements of all those glorious teenage phases.

Anyway, how did this get so off track? I’m here to talk about make up…sheesh!

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Directions Hair Dye: Autumn

One of the things in life that makes me truly happy is dying my hair. I love it. I’ve been dying my hair since I was 13 and I have probably been every colour you could possibly think of (along with every hairstyle you could possibly think of). My hair is my thing and I love to change it. It’s the one thing on my body I get complete control of, well, other than my tattoos, of course.

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A Lush Life (And Its Hefty Price Tag)

One of my presents from my recent birthday was a lovely Halloween set from Lush Cosmetics. Inside was a Lord of Misrule bath bomb, Lord of Misrule shower gel, a Halloween scarf and a bat shaped shower jelly. I was ecstatic with the gift. I absolutely adore Lush products and stand by them on the majority of their views on the world. They’re an excellent company making some excellent products.

But as I later lathered up in the shower, enjoying my zesty smelling shower gel and watching my skin turn momentarily green, I couldn’t help but wonder why my whole bathroom wasn’t filled top to bottom with these ‘do-good-feel-good’ products. And then I remembered…I can’t afford it.

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